Every summer I see brides sharing their wedding dresses with 100's of bugs that are so attracted to it, they tangle themselves up in the lace and netting... I know, disgusting.
As much as we can appreciate nature and all creatures great and small, you probably want it to be only you wearing your wedding dress on your wedding day.
Unfortunately there is no stopping the stubborn buggers all together (as they will love your super white dress) but there are a few things you can do to help prevent them attacking from all angles...
1) Try not to spray too much perfume and deodorant, they love the smell!
2) Swap your perfume for bug spray (do your research on what bug spray to use, theres lots of dangerous ones out there)
3) If you're wearing sun cream, try to get one with no perfume
4) Real flowers will attract all kinds of wonderful creatures to you, try keep them to a minimum
5) Keep drinks covered up - especially the sweet ones
6) Set up a few fly taps around the venue the day before
7) Keep all garbage at a distance
8) Have your bridesmaids keep a look out for any unwanted guests
I am no insect expert so please don't expect my suggestions to keep all insects away, this blog is more to inform you that you may face this issue on the day (especially on a hot day) so its best to plan ahead.
